Graphic Systems Services Inc, a distributor of
press, pre-press and post-press printing and graphic equipment
since 1987, began as a four man operation with a simple single statement
of mission.
Graphic Systems Services Inc would constantly
strive to provide for its customer base reliable printing and graphic
equipment that they could support through the sale of services and parts.
Although the company’s customer base and geographical territory
has grown to include all of South Florida from Daytona Beach south,
their mission remains the same.
Under the same ownership since their beginning
in 1987, Victor Colage President and Louis LaFreniere Vice President,
both have over 30 years of technical experience, including factory training
on all equipment that Graphic Systems Services Inc sells with a specialty
in AB Dick / Ryobi used printing presses and parts.
Today, both men can still be found installing and servicing the equipment
sold through its sales department headed by Mike Rogers.
Come join us today and feel the Graphic Systems
Services Inc. experience of highly competitive equipment pricing and
outstanding customer services and helping South Florida with AB Dick
/ Ryobi used printing presses and parts.